Publications Page
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Publications Page
Here are some scientific and technical publications authored by
employees of Micro Magnetics. Click on the title to see the full document.
CS1000 / Magnetic Current Imaging for Failure Analysis
"Magnetic current imaging with magnetic tunnel junction sensors: case study and analysis", B. D. Schrag. M. J. Carter, X. Liu, J. S. Hoftun, and, G. Xiao, Proceedings of the 2006 International
Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (2006).
"Quantitative Analysis and Depth Measurement via Magnetic Field Imaging", B. D. Schrag, X. Liu, J. S. Hoftun, P. L. Klinger, and D. P. Vallett, Electronic Device Failure Analysis 7(4), 24-31, (2005).
“Current density mapping and pinhole imaging in magnetic tunnel junctions
via scanning magnetic microscopy”, B. D. Schrag, Xiaoyong Liu, Weifeng Shen, and Gang Xiao, Applied Physics
Letters 84, 2937 (2004).
“Scanning magnetoresistive microscopy for die-level submicron
current density mapping”, B. D. Schrag, X. Y. Liu, M. J.
Carter, and Gang Xiao, Proceedings of the 2003 International
Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (2003).
“Submicron electrical current density imaging of embedded
microstructures”, B. D. Schrag and Gang Xiao, Applied Physics
Letters 82, 3272 (2003).
SpinTJ / Magnetic tunnel junction field sensors
"Thermal stability of magnetic tunneling junctions with MgO barriers for
high temperature spintronics", X. Liu, D. Mazumdar, W. Shen, B. D.
Schrag, G. Xiao, Applied Physics Letters 89, 023504 (2006).
"Effect of film roughness in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions", W. Shen, D. Mazumdar, X. Zou, X. Liu, B. D. Schrag, G. Xiao, Applied Physics Letters
88, 182508 (2006).
“Microstructures of magnetic tunneling junctions”,
L. F. Li, X. Y. Liu, and Gang Xiao, Journal of Applied Physics 93, 467
“Thermal annealing effects on low-frequency noise and transfer behavior
in magnetic tunnel junction sensors”, Xiaoyong Liu and Gang Xiao , Journal of Applied Physics 94, 6218 (2003).
“Magnetic tunneling junctions with permalloy electrodes: a study of barrier, thermal annealing, and interlayer coupling”, X.Y. Liu, Cong Ren, Lance Ritchie, B.D. Schrag, and Gang Xiao, Lai-feng Li, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 267 133–138 (2003).
“Magnetic tunnel junction field sensors with hard axis
bias field”, X.Y. Liu, Cong Ren, and Gang Xiao, Journal
of Applied Physics 92, 4722 (2002).
Bio-magnetic applications of MTJ sensors
“In situ detection of single micron-sized magnetic beads using magnetic
tunnel junction sensors”, Weifeng Shen, Xiaoyong Liu, Dipanjan Mazumdar, and Gang Xiao, Applied Physics
Letters 86, 253901 (2005).
“Detection of DNA labeled with magnetic nanoparticles using MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction sensors”, Weifeng Shen, Ben Schrag, Matthew Carter, Jin Xie, Chenjie Xu, Shouheng Sun and Gang Xiao, Journal of Applied Physics,
103, 07A306 (2008).
“Quantitative detection of DNA labeled with magnetic nanoparticles using arrays of MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction sensors”, Weifeng Shen, Ben Schrag, Matthew Carter and Gang Xiao, Applied Physics Letters 93, 033903 (2008).
Magnetic microscopy / micromagnetism
“Scanning Magnetoresistive Microscopy Study of
Quasi-Static Magnetic Switching in Mesoscopic
Square Dots: Observation of Field-Driven
Transition Between Flux-Closure States”, Dipanjan Mazumdar and Gang Xiao, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41, No. 7 (2005).
“Magnetization reversal of submicrometer Co rings with uniaxial anisotropy via scanning
magnetoresistance microscopy”, Xiaoyong Liu, D. Mazumdar, B. D. Schrag, W. Shen, and Gang Xiao, Physical Review Letters, 70, 014407 (2004).
“Low frequency magnetic noise in magnetic tunneling junctions”,
S. Ingvarsson, Gang Xiao, R. Wanner, P. Trouilloud, Yu Lu, W.J. Gallagher,
A. Marley, K. P. Roche, S.S.P. Parkin, Physical Review Letters, 85, 3289
“Neel ‘orange-peel’ coupling in magnetic tunneling
junction devices”, B. D. Schrag, A. Anguelouch, S. Ingvarsson,
Gang Xiao, Yu Lu, P.L. Trouilloud, A. Gupta, R. A. Wanner, W.J. Gallagher,
P.M. Rice, and S.S.P. Parkin, Applied Physics Letters 77, 2373 (2000).
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