Applications Semiconductor Fault Isolation and Failure Analysis Semiconductor integrated circuits contain vast networks of tiny conductors and components which are used to power and control all electronic devices. When these chips fail, it can be extremely difficult to find the root cause of the fault in the multi-level metal “haystack”. In many cases, the failed device has to be taken apart layer by layer in a painstaking process to understand what went wrong, and even after this is done, the results are often inconclusive. Micro Magnetics’ Circuit Scan 1000 (CS1000) is a magnetic imaging tool which uses the tiny magnetic fields emitted by all of the currents inside any chip to understand the inner workings of the circuitry– without the need to process or even touch the device at all. Using mathematical algorithms which convert the magnetic field data into a full distribution of current density, this system allows the user to see a map of all of the current flowing on every level of the device, down to the single microamp level. Because the current is the lifeblood of an integrated circuit, this map can be invaluable to engineers and technicians attempting to understand the nature of the problem. Some common defects which have been diagnosed using our magnetic technique are power-to-ground shorts, pin shorts, hot spots, localized and global leakages, and dielectric integrity issues. For more information on our technique, see our CS1000 FAQ. We offer magnetic imaging-based failure analysis and fault isolation services. Contact us at (508) 672-4489 or admin@micromagnetics.com for more info. For more information, see our semiconductor FI/FA case studies: Case study 1: Power-to-ground short circuit Case study 2: Quantitative analysis of current flow Case study 3: Sub-micron die-level current mapping